Family Fun Day 2018
As with kit sponsorship, we rely heavily on the good-will and generosity of the community to help us raise much needed funds for the club.
We keep membership fees as low as possible to ensure we remain an inclusive club to serve the community.
However, this means that we only cover the basic essentials: insurance, training and league costs.
​Just like our coaches - our fundraising managers are volunteer parents that give up their valuable time. Without their hard-work & creativity we wouldn't have the money to buy training equipment & player-trophies ​etc. - without raising our signing-on fees!
When we see proud parents and smiling kids collecting their end-of season trophies - we know all that hard-work has been worthwhile!
Thanks to everybody that helps us: whether buying a book of raffle tickets, attending the family fun-day or collecting stickers for our famous club album etc. - you are supporting the club and putting smiles on those faces!