We want all those involved with the club to have an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Our commitment to the safety and well-being of our members is therefore our top priority.
Taking the lead from the FA’s Respect Guide, we ensure that all club officials, coaches, parents, and players are aware of our Codes of Conduct before they join the club. We have fair and consistent sanctions for those that disregard our Codes of Conduct. Any form of bullying or verbal, emotional, and physical abuse will not be tolerated at Rose Hill JFC. All members of the club work closely with our qualified Welfare Officer to follow-up any child safeguarding issues.
As part of our responsible recruitment practice we ensure that all club officials and coaches undergo an Enhanced Criminal Records Check (CRC) before they are eligible to work directly with our young players. CRCs must be accepted by the FA and must be kept ‘in date’.
All FA Licensed coaches at Rose Hill JFC are required to complete First Aid and Safeguarding training which includes formulating an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for all coaching sessions, match-days and events – so that they can respond to emergency situations in a responsible, effective and clear-headed way.
Coaches and parents work together to create a positive atmosphere for our players. We work hard to ensure that we don’t put too much pressure on impressionable children or push them too hard from the touchline. We realise that lots of shouting can be intimidating and off-putting for young players so we ask all spectators to model respectful behaviour.
Rose Hill JFC
codes of conduct
+ safeguarding policy